Buzzword Generator

Want to baffle your friends, stun your parents or impress your boyfriend/girlfriend? Then take a look at this buzzword generator! Just take one word from each column and say them together as if you really know what you're talking about! If you find that the words are a little jumbled up on your mobile screen, try turning to the horizontal view. This is something my students are working on right now to find a solution.

Example: Mum "How do I turn the DVD player on, Johnny?"

Johnny "Flick the Ambivalent Stability Dihedralence switch"

ambivalent stability dihedralence

dynamic quartic decrement

non-dimentional phugoid coefficient

gamma cyclic oscillation

longitudinal ventricular waveform

logarithmic grallatorial crescellation

omnipotent evolute extraniation

dedicated transnormial prolification

radial orientation discrepancy